Aeromedicos of Santa Barbara
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Volunteer Medical and Dental Missions to Mexico

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JUNE  2012

One plane flew down Thursday and stayed on the Cadeje side. Three flew down Friday. Two stayed on the Mulege side and one went to the Cadeje side. The weather was good in both directions.

On the medical side, Dr. Debbie Weinstein and Nurse Practitioner Myra Cochran saw patients. Zachary Koretz took vitals and Teresita Carmello translated as needed. Patsi Hodges ran the pharmacy.  Felicity Hoffman saw chiropractic patients.

The dental clinic saw 28 patients, some for multiple procedures.  Hygienist Michele Picone performed 8 thorough cleanings for needy patients.  Dr. Stu Macpherson and Roni saw 6 endodontic patients, including one cleaning, as well.   Drs. John Grube and Kevin Miller, both assisted by CCDA Larry Cochran, were busy with fillings and extractions.  Karyn Yule was in charge of sterilization and tray preparations.  Susan Grube managed triage and translations, when needed.

Pilots: Larry Cochran, John Grube, Frank Heintz, Stu Macpherson          MD: Debbie Weinstein  
Nurse Practitioner: Myra Cochran            Helpers: Karyn Yule, Zachary Koretz, Patsi Hodges            
s Translators:
Susan Grube, Teresita Carmello            Dentists: John Grube, Kevin Miller, Stu Macpherson      
Dental Assistants: Larry Cochran, Roni Macpherson    Dental Hygienist: Michele Picone

NOTE:    October trip will be Oct 12th.  October volunteers, please call Karen Yule at 805 895-6750.
Those interested in going down earlier to clean and prepare the clinic, let Karen know well in advance.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ANNUAL   PRE-SEASON  BARBEQUE        ---------        SAVE THE DATE !

The pre season kick-off  barbeque and social event will be Saturday, Sept 15,  starting at 1 PM, at the ranch of Robin and Nancy… More info  and a map will follow. Anyone coming in from out of town let us know and we will arrange homes to accommodate you. The barbeque is always a good time to connect with friends and help to plan the next year.

Thanks again for another great season!


P.O. Box 538
Goleta  CA 93116

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